Set your asking price too high. This is the number one mistake that sellers make. A high asking price dramatically reduces the number of qualified buyers (and...CONTINUE READING ARTICLE
Archives for July 2020
5 Costly Mistakes to Avoid When Listing Your Probate Home
Selling Your Home Should Not Be a Frightening Experience
When you have a professional on your side
there’s no need to be scared.
How Can I Help?
The first step is for us to sit down together and have an informal,...CONTINUE READING ARTICLE
Plan Ahead: Save on Your Moving Expenses
If your plans this year include a major move, it is important that you plan ahead to save yourself
frustration, time and money. Start by planning your move at least six to...CONTINUE READING ARTICLE
Selling your Probate Home
Selling real property involves more than just placing it in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and posting a sign. Those steps are important, of course, but for the marketing to be effective...CONTINUE READING ARTICLE
7 Ways to Save for A Down Payment
With interest rates down and inventory up, many savvy consumers are taking a good, long look at investing in a home of their own. The benefits are big and the rewards buying a home...CONTINUE READING ARTICLE